The fragrance of Indian healing art in France

Ayurveda, or the Science of Life, is a form of spiritual science that has been practised in India for centuries. It is based on a holistic approach to health, healing, and well-being. Ayurveda sees the human body as an interconnected system comprised of multiple levels of energy, each of which needs to be in balance for the individual to experience optimum health.

Worship of Traditional Ayurveda

Ayurved Training & Treatment in France

At its core, Ayurveda is comprised of eight fundamental principles for maintaining health, including:

Abstaining From Certain Foods And Activities That Disrupt The Balance Of The Body.

The Appropriate Amount Of Intake Of Food And Activities To Maintain The Balance Of The Body.

Striving To Do What Is Right And Avoiding What Is Wrong And Toxic.

Allowing Appropriate Time For Rest And Restoration Of The Body.

Using Herbs, Spices And Other Beneficial Catalysts In Food And Nutrition Practices.

Seeking Balance Within The Body, The Environment And The Mind.

Increasing Awareness Around The Effects Of Food, Activity And Environmental Changes On The Body.

Interiorizing One’s Consciousness Through: Introspection, Meditation, Prayer And Other Spiritual Practices.

The study and practice of Ayurveda, is a source of great benefit for both individuals and society alike. For professional health and wellness practitioners, it can be a valuable tool for providing patients with holistic care, which is beneficial for all three – Physical, Mental and Spiritual health.

Vaidya Narendra Das (Lionel Poirot)

Vaidya Narendra Das (Lionel Poirot)

The vedic knowledge is secular and not limited to particular region or person of specific birth. Vaidaaidaar Narendra Das (Mukhya Sevak : Ayurveda Datta Vaidyakiyashala : France ) is one such example. Coming from the far Alps of France Narendra Das is an Ayurvedic practitioner whose quest to find a perfect natural healing medical science bought him to India. India as known well to be the cradle of all vedic knowledge especially Ayurveda has been a point of attraction for many since ages.

Narendra Das studied Ayurveda at Gujarat Ayurvedic University for 6 years to earn his bachelor degree in Ayurveda (BAMS). Later he came in contact with Sri K.T. Sivananda Vaidyar of LADA PARAMPARA and obtained systemic training in Nadi Vigyana and natural healing arts under him.

According to Narendra Das his life took a fortuitous turn after meeting Sri K.T. Sivananda Guruji and so spent more time travelling from Gujarat to Kerala in according to learn the ancient medical science of Nadi Vigjyana, recognition of herbal plants, samudrik Shastra and various other methods of diagnosis of ailments in people.


The Open Sky Learning Center of Ayurveda in France

In addition to this theoretical knowledge, Vaidayar Narendra Das took pains to understand how to effectively use Ayurvedic treatments. This included knowing how to consult with patients, interpret lab results, develop treatment plans and make referrals to other specialists.

Open Sky Learning For Body Mind & Soul
Ayurved Self Learning with The Prakriti

Herbeys France

Contact Address : 

Vaidya Narendra Das (Lionel Poirot)

Chemin de l’abreuvoir

38320 HERBEYS France.

Web :


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